加工定制:是 | 品牌:TESTO/德图 | 型号:蓝牙协议分析仪 |
测量范围:-40-75 | 测量精度:0.0001 | 分辨率:1000 |
电源电压:5 | 用途:蓝牙开发测试 |
蓝牙协议分析仪Ellisys Bluetooth Explorer 400瑞士进口
Bluetooth Protocol Analyzer 蓝牙协议分析仪 (BR,EDR,Low Energy)
Ellisys BEX400 蓝牙分析仪是目前全球的“真正的”蓝牙协议分析与测试工具。能同时抓取79个BR/EDR信道和40个LE的通信数据并实时解析,支持 Bluetooth BR,EDR,LE, USB HCI, UART 等等,由于其极高的性价比,目前已在***广泛使用并被 Bluetooth SIG.蓝牙协会正式确认***为官方的蓝牙测试系统。
Ellisys Bluetooth Explorer 400 (BEX400)是一台非侵入式蓝牙协仪分析仪,完全不会干拢到蓝牙网络(Piconet)内之待测范围,不需要输入BT Address,PIN Code或Comination Key ,即可透过Link Key解码封包内容,并可自动储存Link Key供后解译使用,完全不需要任何设定只要按下纪录键就可开始记录所有数据。
Ellisys Instant Piconet View 可动态或静态显示出Piconet及Scatternet,也可精准显示出所有封包发生相对关系,所撷取的数据包会自动汇整成相关的Profile,并且可以导成各种格式文件,自动解码PIN Code加密的数据包,用此仪器结合强大的软件功能来分析蓝牙协议可大幅降低研发所需的时间及人力。
Ellisys Rainbow 全通道撷取技术,可同时纪录79个BR/EDR信道和40个Low-Energy信道,解决传统蓝牙协议分析只能纪录两个Slave就需要两台Sinffer的缺陷,通过此仪器,不管纪录多少个Slave甚至Scatternet都只需要一台分析仪。
目前Ellisys Bluetooth Explorer 400(简称:BEX400)又区分为单模版、双模版,其中又分为专业版、标准版。如下:
Key Points
All-in-One: concurrent capture of BR/EDR, Low Energy, spectrum, HCI, logic, Audio I2S, and WCI-2, all synchronized to nanoseconds precision
Whole-Band Capture: easy and rock-solid capture of any traffic, including discovery / connection traffic and SSP pairing
Reprogrammable Digital Radio: support for new specifications without hardware changes
Multi-Piconet Support: see multiple piconets and scatternets, without limitations
All Protocols and Profiles: best-of-breed protocol decoding
Integrated Audio Analysis: listen to captured audio over-the-air, including HCI audio and I2S, within the software, in sync with all other traffic
Spectrum Display: characterize the wireless environment and visualize coexistence issues
Message Sequence Chart: create charts automatically from the powerful Ellisys protocol display
Free Maintenance: Free lifetime software updates as well as free fully-featured viewer software with unlocked hardware that can be used on any computer.
Innovative Tool for Demanding Users
Traffic analysis is one of the key day-to-day activities for Bluetooth engineers looking to rapidly test and debug their prototypes and products. Unfortunately, Bluetooth over-the-air sniffing has always been difficult to perfect. Legacy sniffing methods suffered from major technological drawbacks, making them unreliable and even unusable in several circumstances, making Bluetooth engineers' tasks much more difficult.
With its revolutionary whole-band Digital Radio, Ellisys lifts protocol capture and analysis to new heights, radically overcoming the drawbacks of those legacy approaches to Bluetooth sniffing. The Ellisys all-in-one whole-band sniffer robustly records any packet, at any time, from any neighboring piconet, with zero-configuration and without being intrusive.