Power Delivery协议分析仪Packet-Master USB-PDA支持pd3.0,pd3.0协议分析仪
The Packet-Master USB-PDA is a USB PD Analyser, for FSK and Baseband variants of Power Delivery.
The Packet-Master USB-PDA-E is a USB PD Exerciser and Analyser, for FSK and Baseband variants of Power Delivery.
Each comes complete with our Windows application GraphicUSB for capturing and displaying every detail of the PD interactions.
Power Delivery
Power Delivery is a specification allowing USB to provide power in a more flexible and adaptable way. The FSK version uses two-way signalling superimposed on the existing VBUS wire in the USB cable. The BMC version uses two-way signalling on the CC wire of a USB C-cable.
Exerciser Version
The Exerciser version of the USB-PDA will behave as a Provider, Provider/Consumer, Consumer or Consumer/ Provider, and the operation can be manually controlled to perform all the usual PD operations, including Requests, Swaps, Hard Resets and BIST Mode Requests. Simultaneously an analyser Capture may be performed, in order to view how the UUT responds.
Non-Intrusive Operation
The Packet-Master USB-PDA connects passively between two USB PD devices, and captures all PD activity without influencing the link. So you can be sure that you are seeing exactly what really happens. All the important timings are displayed, along with VBUS voltage and current measurements.
Non-Intrusive Operation
The Packet-Master USB-PDA connects passively between two USB PD devices, and captures all PD activity without influencing the link. So you can be sure that you are seeing exactly what really happens. All the important timings are displayed, along with VBUS voltage and current measurements.
Report and Analysis Operation
The Packet-Master USB-PDA detects and displays the following in a simple-to-understand yet informative manner:
? Every PD message packet, including full detail of the pre-amble bits, SOP ordered set, header and data objects. Every bit field is analysed, described and any potential non-compliances are highlighted.
? Test Pattern Frames are displayed and analysed to indicate whether they contain a valid PRBS test pattern.
? Bit Stream and other continuous waveforms are displayed, with an analysis of their type.
? The VBUS voltage and current are monitored and displayed, on a zoomable timeline which also shows the actual PD message packets. Discrepancies between voltage and current changes and the occurrence of related messages are clearly shown.
? SOP', SOP'', SOP'_debug and SOP''_debug messages are also displayed.