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  • 所 在 地:上海 上海 长宁区
  • 主营产品: 电车灭火毯 can接口板卡 usb分协议 芯片仿真器
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  • 真实性核验借助银行进行对公账号验证或进行法人人脸识别核验企业真实身份
OBDII协议商业源码基于can线(*** 15765-4)Mode1到Mode10
联系方式 在线联系

OBDII协议商业源码基于can线(*** 15765-4)Mode1到Mode10


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  • 发货地:上海 长宁区
  • 发货期限:15天内发货
  • 供货总量: 100套
上海前望电子科技有限公司 VIP会员 第2
  • 资质核验已核验企业营业执照
  • 真实性核验借助银行进行对公账号验证或进行法人人脸识别核验企业真实身份
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  • 上海 上海
  • 电车灭火毯,can接口板卡,usb分协议,芯片仿真器


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    上海 上海 长宁区 哈密路1955号5F-240室
型号:*** 15765-4适用车型:所有车

OBDII协议商业源码基于can线(*** 15765-4)Mode1到Mode10,所有OBDII模式都支持

*** 9141-2,KWP 2000-4,SAE J1850 PWM (Ford SCP),SAE J1850 VPW (GM Class 2),*** 15765-4 (CAN 11-bit & 29-bit),OBDII完整的方案,支持OBDII所有模式Mode1到Mode10,基于各种硬件的OBDII方案都有


OBD Experts can provide you with ready to use off-the-shelf OBD II software implementing the following automotive protocols:

  • *** 9141-2

  • KWP 2000-4

  • SAE J1850 PWM (Ford SCP)

  • SAE J1850 VPW (GM Class 2)

  • *** 15765-4 (CAN 11-bit & 29-bit)

  • SAE J1939 (non-OBD II protocol used for trucks)

OBD II Protocol Stack

Our OBD II Software is organized into a simple hierarchy of software layers called a protocol stack. The OBD II Protocol Stack includes the source code for all OBD II protocols.

The software includes a user API and a demonstration file as well as distinct OBD and Hardware Abstraction Layers. The source code is fully commented using doxygen and includes an easy to follow html guide as well as an installation video.

Our OBD II Protocol Stack not only gives you the ability to extract OBD II information, but it also provides the fundamentals that you need to communicate with a vehicle. The five OBD II protocols will allow you to go beyond OBD II and to communicate to other Electronic Control Units (ECUs) in the vehicle.

As well as the individual protocols we include a debug file and information to guide you through the debug process. With this information an engineer should be able to quickly identify and fix any faults and quickly achieve reliable OBD II communications.

In addition to the OBD II protocol stack you also receive comprehensive documentation on how to get started with your development. You may choose to receive   an on-site training session where we will work with your engineers to set up the software.   You will also receive one year of telephone/e-mail support.

Software Demo Board

If you would like to try our OBD II Software before you buy you can purchase one of our OBD Software Demo boards.

Our Demo boards come with the cables required to connect to a vehicle and 3 demonstration modes that let you read OBD II data from any OBD II compliant vehicle.

An OBD Experts Software Demo board costs ?200 and comes with an OBD II cable to connect to a vehicle. If you later choose to purchase the OBD II Software, the ?200 cost of the Demo board will be deducted from the purchase price.

You can Watch a Video of a live demonstration using one of our Software Demo Boards or Download the Demo Board User Guide.

Contact us today to order your Software Demo Board.

Supported Processors

The OBD Experts OBD II Protocol Software has been built and tested for the following microprocessors:

  • STM32F103 series

  • STM32F3 series

  • STM32F4 series

  • PIC18FxxK80

  • PIC32 series

When you buy the stack, OBD Experts provides the complete Hardware Abstraction Layer (HAL) files required to run the OBD II Protocol Stack on any of these microprocessors. Porting the software to other platforms is easy. All C source files are organized with a layer of abstraction and contain clear instructions on what must be changed and where to change it. OBD Experts will provide the support you need to get the code working on your chosen processor.

The careful structure and clear comments in our C source code ensure that you can use the OBD II Protocol Stack on all of your products today and in the future.

Not sure which processor you should pick? We are happy to advise you and help you pick the cheapest most reliable solution.


版权所有 供应商网(www.gys.cn)


上海前望电子科技有限公司 手机:𐂁𐂂𐂃𐂄𐂃𐂄𐂁𐂄𐂅𐂂𐂁 电话:𐂆𐂃𐂁𐂇𐂈𐂈𐂈𐂈𐂉𐂄𐂄𐂄 地址:上海 上海 长宁区 哈密路1955号5F-240室