产品特性:USB总线 | 是否进口:否 | 产地:上海 |
加工定制:否 | 品牌:德国 PEAK | 型号:IPEH-004061 |
产品名称:PCAN-USB Pro FD | 适用范围:电脑 | 用途:can通讯 |
产品认证:ce | 特色服务:软件开发 | 最小包装数:1 |
物料编号:IPEH-004061 | 重量:100g | 接口:usb |
尺寸:115*16*181 |
PCAN-USB Pro FD,IPEH-004061德国peak品牌2路CAN2路LIN适配器
PCAN-USB Pro FD适配器可经由USB把一台电脑轻松连接到CAN FD和LIN网络。可同时连接2种现场总线,用相应的电缆(2路CAN FD、2路LIN)可最多连接4路。每个CAN FD通道单独隔离USB和LIN,500V。它小型坚固的铝合金外壳携带方便,特别适合外场使用;也非常适用于需要同时用到CAN和LIN的场合。
免费的软件PLIN-View Pro,可以用于发送、接收和记录LIN报文。
免费的编程接口PCAN-Basic API,提供了C#, C++/MFC, C++/CLR,C++_Builder, Delphi, VB.NET, Java, and Python 2.6等的例程,方便自己开发软件。
免费的编程接口PLIN-API,有C#,C++ Builder, C#, , C++/CLR/MFC, Delphi, Python等例程,方便做二次开发,用于集成到测试系统中。
The PCAN-USB Pro FD adapter enables the connection of CAN FD and LIN networks to a computer via USB. Two field buses can be connected at the same time, up to four with appropriate adapter cables (2 x CAN FD, 2 x LIN). Each CAN FD channel is separately ***lated against USB and LIN with a maximum of 500 Volts. Its robust aluminum casing makes the PCAN-USB Pro FD adapter suitable for mobile applications.
The new CAN FD standard (CAN with Flexible Data rate) is primarily characterized by higher bandwidth for data transfer. The maximum of 64 data bytes per CAN FD frame (instead of 8 so far) can be transmitted with bit rates up to 12 Mbit/s. CAN FD is downward-compatible to the CAN 2.0 A/B standard, thus CAN FD nodes can be used in existing CAN networks. However, in this case the CAN FD extensions are not applicable.
The monitor software PCAN-View and the programming interface PCAN-Basic for the development of applications with CAN connection are included in the scope of supply and support the new standard CAN FD. The monitor application PLIN-View Pro as well as the PLIN programming interface are also included in the scope of supply.
*** / Non-*** CAN FD:
Since the first implementations of CAN FD, the protocol has been improved and is now included in the standard *** 11898-1. The revised CAN FD standard is not compatible with the original protocol.
PEAK-System takes this into account by supporting both protocol versions with their CAN FD interfaces. If required, the user can switch to the CAN FD protocol used in the environment by software (?Non-***“ and ?***“). Devices delivered until February 2015 need a firmware update for this functionality. If you are interested and for further information, please contact info@peak-system.com.
新的 CAN FD 标准(具有灵活数据速率的 CAN)的主要特点是更高的数据传输带宽。每个 CAN FD 帧最多可以传输 64 个数据字节(而不是目前的 8 个),比特***达 12 Mbit/s。CAN FD向下兼容CAN 2.0 A/B标准,因此CAN FD节点可用于现有的CAN网络。但是,在这种情况下,CAN FD 扩展不适用。
监控软件 PCAN-View 和编程接口 PCAN-Basic 用于开发具有 CAN 连接的应用程序包含在供货范围内,并支持新标准 CAN FD。显示器应用程序 PLIN-View Pro 以及 PLIN 编程接口也包含在供货范围内。
The new CAN FD standard (CAN with Flexible Data rate) is primarily characterized by higher bandwidth for data transfer. The maximum of 64 data bytes per CAN FD frame (instead of 8 so far) can be transmitted with bit rates up to 12 Mbit/s. CAN FD is downward-compatible to the CAN 2.0 A/B standard, thus CAN FD nodes can be used in existing CAN networks. However, in this case the CAN FD extensions are not applicable.
The monitor software PCAN-View and the programming interface PCAN-Basic for the development of applications with CAN connection are included in the scope of supply and support the new standard CAN FD. The monitor application PLIN-View Pro as well as the PLIN programming interface are also included in the scope of supply.