产品特性:USB接口 | 是否进口:否 | 产地:上海 |
加工定制:否 | 品牌:ABTECH | 型号:USBcan Pro 4xHS |
产品名称:can转USB | 适用范围:自动化控制 | 用途:can通讯 |
产品认证:ce | 特色服务:软件开发 | 最小包装数:1 |
物料编号:73-30130-01261-5 | 尺寸:188*159*100 | 重量:100g |
颜色:黑色 |
瑞典品质,4通道can FD转USB接口卡,兼容can,支持高精度时间戳,瑞典Kvaser USBcan Pro 4xHS货号01261-5,配套免费软件和开发包
The Kvaser USBcan Pro 4xHS is an advanced, portable multi-channel CAN/CAN FD to USB real time interface that handles transmission and reception of standard and extended CAN messages on the CAN bus with a high time stamp precision. Features include t programming and MagiSync?, which makes it possible to synchronise time stamps across multiple Kvaser MagiSync?-enabled devices without requiring extra wires.
The Kvaser USBcan Pro 4xHS USB to quad channel CAN interface is the Pro version of the Kvaser USBcan Light 4xHS (00831-1), a compact, reliable and cost-effective means of connecting four high speed CAN buses to a PC or mobile computer.
Major Features
Multi-channel USB CAN interface with Kvaser t programmability.
20 000 msg/s per channel, each timestamped with a resolution of 1 μs.
Kvaser MagiSync? – automatic time synchronization.
Supports CAN FD, up to 8 Mbit/s (with correct physical layer implementation).
Supports both 11-bit (CAN 2.0A) and 29-bit (CAN 2.0B active) identifiers.
Supports silent mode for analysis tools – listen to the bus without interfering.
High-speed CAN connection (compliant with *** 11898-2), up to 1 Mbit/s.
Industrial grade temperature range, ?40 oC to +85 oC.
Galvanic ***lation.
Fully compatible with J1939, CANopen, NMEA 2000? and DeviceNet.
Simultaneous operation of multiple devices.
Power is taken from the USB bus.
Includes a 4-channel breakout cable.
Free Technical Support on all products available by contacting support@kvaser.com.
Documentation, software and drivers can be downloaded for free at kvaser.com/downloads.
Kvaser CANLIB SDK is a free resource that includes everything you need to develop software for the Kvaser CAN interfaces. Includes full documentation and many program samples, written in C, C++, C#, Delphi, and Visual Basic.
All Kvaser CAN interface boards share a common software API. Programs written for one interface type will run without modifications on the other interface types!
J2534 Application Programming Interface available.
RP1210A Application Programming Interface available.
On-line documentation in Windows HTML-Help and Adobe Acrobat format.