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  • 所 在 地:上海 上海 长宁区
  • 主营产品: 电车灭火毯 can接口板卡 usb分协议 芯片仿真器
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德国PCAN系列6通道CAN FD接口卡PCAN-USB X6货号IPEH-004064
联系方式 在线联系

德国PCAN系列6通道CAN FD接口卡PCAN-USB X6货号IPEH-004064


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  • 1万

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  • 发货地:上海 长宁区
  • 发货期限:30天内发货
  • 供货总量: 1000个
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  • 电车灭火毯,can接口板卡,usb分协议,芯片仿真器


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    上海 上海 长宁区 哈密路1955号5F-240室
品牌:德国 PEAK型号:IPEH-004064测量范围:CAN Fd
测量精度:0.001分辨率:10000电源电压:8 到 30 V
用途:用于 USB 端口的 CAN FD 接口颜色:白色防护等级:IP67

PCAN-USB X6 用于高速 USB 2.0 的 6 通道 CAN 和 CAN FD 接口


PCAN-USB X6 是一个用于 USB 端口的 CAN FD 接口,允许连接多达 6 个 CAN FD 或 CAN 总线。因此,该设备最适合与多个 CAN 网络一起工作,例如用于汽车的硬件在环 (HIL) 仿真测试台或基于 CAN 的产品的产品线测试。

PCAN-USB X6 安装在铝型材外壳中,并提供带有 D-Sub 连接器或 M12 圆形连接器的版本。尤其是 M12 版本适合在恶劣环境中使用。此外,去耦版本还***了 PC 和 CAN 侧之间高达 300 伏的电流隔离。

新的 CAN FD 标准(具有灵活数据速率的 CAN)的主要特点是更高的数据传输带宽。每个 CAN FD 帧最多可以传输 64 个数据字节(而不是目前的 8 个),比特***达 12 Mbit/s。CAN FD向下兼容CAN 2.0 A/B标准,因此CAN FD节点可用于现有的CAN网络。但是,在这种情况下,CAN FD 扩展不适用。

监控软件 PCAN-View 和编程接口 PCAN-Basic 用于开发具有 CAN 连接的应用程序包含在供货范围内,并支持新标准 CAN FD。

The PCAN-USB X6 is a CAN FD interface for the USB port which allows the connection of up to 6 CAN FD or CAN busses. The device is therefore best suited for working with multiple CAN networks like the use in test benches with hardware-in-the-loop (HIL) simulations for motor vehicles or in the product line testing of CAN-based products.

The PCAN-USB X6 is installed in an aluminum profile casing and is shipped in versions with D-Sub connectors or M12 circular connectors. Especially the M12 version is suitable for use in harsh environments. In addition, a galvanic ***lation of up to 300 Volts between the PC and the CAN side is guaranteed for the decoupled versions.

The new CAN FD standard (CAN with Flexible Data rate) is primarily characterized by higher bandwidth for data transfer. The maximum of 64 data bytes per CAN FD frame (instead of 8 so far) can be transmitted with bit rates up to 12 Mbit/s. CAN FD is downward-compatible to the CAN 2.0 A/B standard, thus CAN FD nodes can be used in existing CAN networks. However, in this case the CAN FD extensions are not applicable.

The monitor software PCAN-View and the programming interface PCAN-Basic for the development of applications with CAN connection are included in the scope of supply and support the new standard CAN FD.

*** / 非 *** CAN FD:

自 CAN FD ***实施以来,该协议已得到改进,现已包含在标准 *** 11898-1 中。修订后的 CAN FD 标准与原协议不兼容。

PEAK-System 通过支持带有 CAN FD 接口的两种协议版本来考虑到这一点。如果需要,用户可以通过软件(“Non-***”和“***”)切换到环境中使用的 CAN FD 协议。2015 年 2 月之前交付的设备需要为此功能进行固件更新。

*** / Non-*** CAN FD:

Since the first implementations of CAN FD, the protocol has been improved and is now included in the standard *** 11898-1. The revised CAN FD standard is not compatible with the original protocol.

PEAK-System takes this into account by supporting both protocol versions with their CAN FD interfaces. If required, the user can switch to the CAN FD protocol used in the environment by software (?Non-***“ and ?***“). Devices delivered until February 2015 need a firmware update for this functionality


  • 高速 USB 2.0 的 CAN-FD 接口(兼容 USB 1.1 和 USB 3.0)

  • 6 个高速 CAN 通道 (*** 11898-2)

    • 符合 CAN 规范 2.0 A/B 和 FD

    • CAN FD 支持 *** 和非 *** 标准可切换

    • 数据字段的 CAN FD 比特率( 64 字节)从 25 kbit/s 到 12 Mbit/s

    • CAN 比特率从 25 kbit/s 到 1 Mbit/s

    • CAN FD控制器的FPGA实现

    • NXP TJA1044GT CAN收发器

    • 可根据要求提供替代的可插拔收发器模块

  • CAN 连接上的电流隔离高达
    300 V(仅适用于 IPEH-004063 和 IPEH-004064)

  • CAN 通道、USB 上游和电源的状态 LED

  • CAN 连接通过 D-Sub、9 针或 M12 圆形连接器、5 针(两个连接器的针脚分配符合 CiA ? 303-1)

  • 具有更高防护等级 IP64 的铝制外壳(仅适用于 IPEH-004063)

  • 高速 USB 2.0 下行端口(仅适用于 IPEH-004062 和 IPEH-004064)

  • CAN 终端可以通过焊接跳线激活,每个 CAN 通道单独

  • 测量总线负载,包括物理总线上的错误帧和过载帧

  • 传入和传出 CAN 消息的诱导错误生成

  • 电压供应从 8 到 30 V

  • 扩展的工作温度范围从 -40 到 85 °C(-40 到 185 °F)

  • CAN-FD interface for High-speed USB 2.0 (compatible to USB 1.1 and USB 3.0)

  • 6 High-speed CAN channels (*** 11898-2)

    • Comply with CAN specifications 2.0 A/B and FD

    • CAN FD support for *** and Non-*** standards switchable

    • CAN FD bit rates for the data field (64 bytes max.) from 25 kbit/s up to 12 Mbit/s

    • CAN bit rates from 25 kbit/s up to 1 Mbit/s

    • FPGA implementation of the CAN FD controller

    • NXP TJA1044GT CAN transceiver

    • Alternative pluggable transceiver modules on request

  • Galvanic ***lation on the CAN connection up to
    300 V (only for IPEH-004063 and IPEH-004064)

  • Status LEDs for CAN channels, USB upstream, and power supply

  • CAN connection via D-Sub, 9-pin or M12 circular connectors, 5-pin (pin assignment of both connectors in accordance with CiA? 303-1)

  • Aluminum casing with increased Ingress Protection IP64 (only for IPEH-004063)

  • High-speed USB 2.0 downstream port (only for IPEH-004062 and IPEH-004064)

  • CAN termination can be activated through a solder jumper, separately for each CAN channel

  • Measurement of bus load including error frames and overload frames on the physical bus

  • Induced error generation for incoming and outgoing CAN messages

  • Voltage supply from 8 to 30 V

  • Extended operating temperature range from -40 to 85 °C (-40 to 185 °F)


  • PCAN-USB X6 铝制外壳

  • IPEH-004062 和 IPEH-004064:电源配套连接器(Phoenix Contact MC1,5/2-STF-3,81 - 1827703)

  • IPEH-004063:电源和 USB 连接电缆

  • 适用于 Windows? 11(64 位)、10(32/64 位)和 Linux(32/64 位)的设备驱动程序

  • CAN 监视器 PCAN-View for Windows?详细

  • 编程接口 PCAN-Basic 用于开发具有 CAN 连接的应用程序

  • 汽车行业标准化协议的编程接口

  • PDF格式的手册

请注意:供货范围不包含设备的电源装置。没有通过 USB 连接到 PC 的电源。

  • PCAN-USB X6 in aluminum casing

  • IPEH-004062 and IPEH-004064: Mating connector for power supply (Phoenix Contact MC1,5/2-STF-3,81 - 1827703)

  • IPEH-004063: Cables for power supply and USB connection

  • Device drivers for Windows? 11 (64-bit), 10 (32/64-bit), and Linux (32/64-bit)

  • CAN monitor PCAN-View for Windows?

  • Programming interface PCAN-Basic for developing applications with CAN connection 

  • Programming interfaces for standardized protocols from the automotive sector

  • Manual in PDF format

Please note: The scope of supply does not contain a power supply unit for the device. There is no supply via the USB connection to the PC.

PCAN-USB X6,IPEH-004062,CAN-FD 接口, D-Sub 连接器,6 通道 CAN


版权所有 供应商网(www.gys.cn)


上海前望电子科技有限公司 手机:𐂧𐂨𐂩𐂪𐂩𐂪𐂧𐂪𐂫𐂨𐂧 电话:𐂬𐂩𐂧𐂭𐂮𐂮𐂮𐂮𐂯𐂪𐂪𐂪 地址:上海 上海 长宁区 哈密路1955号5F-240室